Lasik after cataract surgery

During cataract surgery, an intraocular lens (IOL) is inserted in order to provide clear vision. Some patients will require a refractive Lasik after Cataract surgery in order to improve vision.
The types of intraocular lenses are technologically advanced, providing precise vision for different distances, thus allowing cataract and refractive surgeons to correct for both distance and near vision.
These advanced lenses are especially useful to those who wish to avoid wearing glasses following cataract surgery.

Although measurements are done prior to cataract surgery in order to determine the best power for the implanted lens so that vision will be satisfying at various distances, residual refractive error may persist after surgery and prevent patients from obtaining satisfactory visual performance. Refractive error that persists after cataract surgery is mainly due to different measurements during the refraction calculation that determines the selection of IOL by the surgeon. In addition, the healing process of a corneal wound resulting from the surgery may contribute to the residual refractive error after cataract surgery as well.

The astigmatic type of refractive error present prior to surgery has a tendency to persist after surgery and may lead to decreased visual acuity.
Strategies for correcting residual refractive error include glasses for correction, contact lenses, an IOL exchange, or Lasik after cataract surgery.
Lasik after cataract surgery is shown to be a safe and acceptable procedure.

In addition to the above, RevitalVision method of vision improvement is shown to be very effective, simple, and non-invasive.

RevitalVision offers an easy home solution for blurriness after cataract surgery. The program is composed of 30 training sessions done at home on your computer. RevitalVision therapy is clinically and scientifically based.


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