Blurred vision in the morning after cataract surgery

Is blurred vision in the morning after cataract surgery normal?

Many patients experience blurred vision in the morning after cataract surgery. Immediately following cataract surgery, it is, in fact, normal to have blurry vision.
Many patients will resume their regular activities the day after cataract surgery. Except for driving which isn’t allowed until your cataract surgeon has approved.
Within 48 hours, most cataract patients feel significant improvement in their vision. Though it is possible that your vision could take one to two weeks to adjust and settle. The eye must adapt to the new implant that has replaced the lens. Since every patient is different it is normal for some to experience blurred vision in the morning after cataract surgery. RevitalVision post cataract surgery program is composed of 30 training sessions done at home on your computer. RevitalVision therapy is clinically and scientifically based. The program is 100% natural and improves vision with no drugs, no known risks no complications and no side effects.


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