CPT code information

Category 3 codes

New Code 0687T Treatment of amblyopia using an online digital program; device supply, educational set-up, and initial session

New Code 0688T assessment of patient performance and program data by  physician or other qualified health care professional, with report, per calendar month

Billing Guidelines and Checklist for 0687T and 0688T
Clinical vignette: A 20-year-old male, who was previously diagnosed with amblyopia and using best
optical correction, is prescribed an online digital amblyopia vision-training program.
Code 0687T describes the initial in-person session for which the patient is trained on the set-up and use
of the management portal. It includes the supply of device.
Medical diagnosis of amblyopia with unsuccessful eye patching treatment.
Order for/prescription of remote treatment using digital tracking device.
Details of patient training.
Report code 0688T for follow-up in-person assessment(s) after the patient has completed 20 to 40 athome training sessions. This code should not be billed more than once per month.
The treatment results are securely transmitted to a HIPAA-compliant database accessible for
monitoring by the prescribing physician.
Each month, the physician updates the visual acuity and stereo acuity results through the web
application, and the treatment parameters are recalculated and updated automatically as
For each reporting month, the physician or qualified health care professional generates, in the
chart note, an interpretative report that includes their review of the patient’s results during the
o The physician’s review should note the number of completed sessions, visual acuity,
stereo acuity, physician’s assessment of treatment and changes in parameter of

Go to the AAO fact sheet 

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