Cataract Surgery Recovery Time​

Vision post cataract surgery improves within a few days and clear vision is restored.

Many people suffer from difficulty adjusting to the clear vision after cataract surgery. Neural adaptation is the process that takes place as the brain adapts to changes in the visual information as a result of the clear lens which was implanted during the surgery and influences the optical system.

These difficulties include difficulty reading after cataract surgery, night vision after cataract surgery, eye strain after cataract surgery. These symptoms usually disappear after an adjustment period ranging from a few weeks to many months.

RevitalVision is clinically proven to improve blurred vision after cataract surgery

Patients who find it difficult to adjust following cataract surgery can shorten their adaptation period in a fast and effective manner. Significant vision improvement is expected just 1 month after starting the program.

To learn how to improve vision after cataract surgery click here
Post Cataract Surgery

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